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370000 Dollar Ring Lost, Reward for Treasure Hunters

Abstract: A man by the name of Robert Gismondi accidentally dropped his $370k Ring off the pier. Now his is offering a reward in the THOUSANDS for finding his ring. Ok, so for you treasure hunter divers out there lets go over some clues to help you find that treasure.

Keywords: Daytona Beach restaurant, Ring, treasure hunter, white gold, Diamond.

A man by the name of Robert Gismondi was eating at a Daytona Beach restaurant when he accidentally dropped his $370k Ring off the pier. He said he was reaching into his pocket to answer his phone when he pulled his hand out the ring slipped off, and made a splash in the water below. Gismondi is offering a reward in the THOUSANDS for finding his ring. You might have to contend with his insurance agency, but I would act quick as they are probably slow to act.

Ok, so for you treasure hunter divers out there lets go over some clues to help you find that treasure:

-Location is: Main Street Pier in Daytona Beach

-Band is said to be white gold.

-Diamond is large orange color.

-Pier worker was told where it dropped. (With a little questioning and detective work you may want to find out where on the pier it fell at to narrow your search)

As I see it the ring could either be washed out with the current, or more likely buried in the sand around the pier. Either way I would wait for calm weather as diving under piers is extremely dangerous and the water will be more clear to help find the ring. So what are you waiting for!?